
Friday, May 28, 2021

Fantastic Fing!

 Kia ora Bloggers

In Smith Lit, we had a Fing day it was so much fun! On my slide show, I have my drawing of Myrtle and other things and Myrtle's toy list did you know she has a toy for every letter in the alphabet check out mine on the slides. Have you ever read the book Fing before? Do you have the book Fing? We have been reading it with Miss Smith on the mat.

Ka kite Bloggers I'm of to go and read fing.


  1. ki ora Stella

    I have read fing many times and I do have the book fing myrtle is one spoit girl

    By Caitlin

  2. Wow Stella I love your drawing of Myrtle, it looks just like the original one. You are so very clever, great work sweetheart xx

  3. hi Stella your drawings look amazing! including your Myrtle, and no i have not read the book before, and i never new that 11.8 people live in Belgium (they make good chocolate).
    And for a question that u could ask next time is,
    if u had read the book what was your favorite part ?
    Well have a great day



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