
Tuesday, February 16, 2021



Hi bloggers 
right here I have some facts on flamingos witch you probability didn't now like why are flamingos pink or what do flamingos eat or what are carotenoids! Do you like flamingos? and tow more things. What did you like on about my blog post and what rank on your favourite animal list where is the flamingo?
Be bloggers!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Stella this Flamingo document is awesome!
    I never knew they were pink because of their diet that is amazing
    Imagine if all you ate was rainbow coloured lollies
    I think out of 10 Flamingos would be ranked number 6. I think they are pretty awesome and I would love to see one in real life, I have never seen one before.
    What sort of climate do they live in and where are they most found?
    Do you think you could find out some more information on that for me?
    Thank you sweetheart, great job. Keep up the awesome work we are so proud of you xx


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